Athrill Airlines Operation Manual (OPM)
· To refer the operation of an aircraft under:
- Normal, abnormal and emergency conditions
· To understand normal and procedures
· To introduce trainees with new aircraft along with initial training
· To become aware of related systems
Users of the manual
line pilots transitioning to a new aircraft
check airmen
Chief Pilot
Chief of Maintenance
Director of Engineering
Research Pilot
Safety Officer
Federal Air Marshal
Cabin Service Agent
Safety Management System
1) Purpose:
The purpose of the safety policy is to manage safety proactively and effectively. This is done by:
· Obtaining consistent and optimal aircraft and human performance.
· Identifying and managing safety risks of flight operations.
· Actively seeking feedback on and improving Athrill’s safety management activities.
2) Safety Responsibilities:
· Providing the resources (in time and money) to assure the safe operation of Athrill’s aircraft.
· Actively supporting the Safety Management System.
· Ensuring that flight operations are conducted in compliance with all applicable safety regulations.
· Administering the safety management system.
· Validating and addressing safety-risk management deficiencies in an appropriate and timely manner.
· Ensuring that flights, maintenance, engineering and research operations are conducted in compliance with all applicable safety regulations.
3) Management Support:
Athrill Airline operational, technical and support staff will always have the full support of the CEO and President as long as they operate professionally in accordance with company manuals and procedures. All company personnel have a duty to openly and honestly report events and hazards.
4) Hazard identification and tracking system:
The hazard identification and tracking system is composed of two parts:
hazard identification program; and hazard tracking system.
5) SMS Evaluation:
Regular evaluation of safety performance is an integral part of an SMS. Athrill Airline will conduct internal evaluations of the SMS at least once per year and will have an audit at least once every three years.
Operating Procedures
1) Operational control system:
Operational control means the exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. It also includes any provisions for following of the flight until it arrives at its destination.
1. Responsibilities and Authorities:
All flights or series of flights away from base must be authorized before departure from the home base by the Flight Department Manager. The operational control of a flight is delegated to the pilot in-command.
The following is a list of documents that are to be carried on the aircraft
Aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness
RVSM/RNP Letters of Authorization
Aircraft Certificate of Registration
Company Flight Operations Manual
Aircraft Flight Manual or Operating Manual
Aeronautical information publications
Aircraft Weight/Balance
Aeronautical charts
Aircraft Minimum Equipment List
Flight Manifest
2) Flight Planning:
Flight Planning A flight shall not be commenced until all pertinent flight data has been compiled, including the Flight Manifest Form. It is the pilot-in-command's responsibility to ensure that all flight planning documents required by the SPEC FOM have been prepared and filed prior to departure.
The Pilot In-Command shall sign the Flight Manifest to signify acceptance and accuracy. If there is any unplanned enplaning or deplaning of cabin flight crew, the PIC shall ensure that the company is advised or a copy of the revised manifest is left at the point of departure.
Before each trip, the flight crew’s pre-flight inspection will include a physical check of in-flight reference materials to determine if any materials will expire before the return to home station. Provisions will be made for the flight crew to obtain updated references while away from home station.
1. Flight planning requirements:
Before commencing a flight, the PIC shall be familiar with the available flight information that is appropriate to the intended flight.
Preparation for every flight under the instrument flight rules shall include:
· A review of available current weather reports and forecasts
· The planning of an alternative course of action to provide for the eventuality that the flight cannot be completed as planned, because of weather conditions.
2. VFR Flight:
A flight, to be conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules shall not be commenced unless available weather information indicates that the meteorological conditions along the route, or that part of the route to be flown under the visual flight rules, will permit flight under visual flight rules and VFR charts for the route to be flown are carried on board the aircraft.
3. Fuel Requirements
An IFR flight shall not be commenced unless, taking into account both the meteorological conditions and any delays that are expected in flight, the airplane carries sufficient fuel to ensure that it can safely complete the flight, and, as applicable, the following special provisions are complied with:
· When no alternate airport is required, to fly to the destination airport and thereafter for a period of 45 minutes or when an alternate airport is required, to fly to the destination airport, then to the alternate airport and thereafter for a period of 45 minutes.
In addition, sufficient fuel shall be provided for:
· Taxiing and foreseeable delays prior to take-off
· Meteorological conditions
· Foreseeable air traffic routings and traffic delays
· Landing at a suitable airport in the event of loss of cabin pressurization or, in the case of a multi-engine aircraft, failure of any engine, at the most critical point during the flight
· Any other foreseeable conditions that could delay the landing of the aircraft
4. Landing Distance Requirements:
The PIC shall not conduct a take-off at a weight that, considering fuel consumption for the duration of the flight to the destination and alternate, would result in a required landing distance greater than the total landing distance available using the anticipated runway at the time of arrival at the destination or the alternate.
5. Oxygen Supply Requirements:
Athrill Airline pilots may not operate the company aircraft unless the emergency oxygen bottle is turned on and the pressure reading in the cockpit gauge within the green arc (1550 to 1850 psi).
6. Flight Following and Flight Watch:
During research missions, the Athrill Flight Department tracks the flight. The Principal Investigator, Research Project Manager and Project Scientists may also track the flight, and may occasionally request minor changes in the aircraft’s mission profile. To avoid distractions to the flight crew, only the Athrill Flight Department Director is permitted to contact the aircraft via the on-board satellite phone. Any in-flight changes to the mission will be made conservatively and only with the Pilot In-Command’s concurrence.
3) Aircraft weight and balance:
The pilot-in-command is responsible for the proper loading, including load security, weight and weight distribution. All loadings (including fuel) shall be distributed using the current weight and balance report. The load shall be distributed to ensure that the Centre of Gravity will remain within the prescribed limits throughout the entire flight, and shall be monitored during flight.
4) Airworthiness:
It is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure that the aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness is in force before commencing a flight. The Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft is not in force unless the equipment, systems and instruments prescribed in the applicable airworthiness standard and all required equipment are functioning correctly.
Standard operating procedures
1) Captain’s Authority:
The Pilot in Command (PIC) assigned to a flight, shall have exclusive and final authority to whether or not the aircraft shall proceed to any destination, or undertake any flight. The Pilot in Command shall not be overruled by any passenger or executive, nor disciplined for well-considered decisions having to do with weather, mechanical condition of the airplane or other hazards.
2) Crew Resource Management (CRM):
Fundamental to safe flight operations is “Crew Resource Management” or the “total crew concept.” Each crewmember is trained to do his job, to demand that other crewmembers do theirs, with each monitoring the other, and to give assistance on demand or solicit assistance as necessary.
3) Transfer of Aircraft Control:
If a transfer of aircraft control becomes necessary, the Pilot Flying will state, “Your airplane” and the Pilot Monitoring will acknowledge by stating, “My airplane.” One crewmember must be responsible and therefore devote his attention to aircraft control whenever the aircraft is in motion. Both pilots should never have their attention diverted or be “heads down” at the same time.
4) Pre-flight:
Flight crew must report on time prior the scheduled departure and must prepare and check all the procedures and fulfil duties assigned to their role. A crew briefing must be conducted by PIC. Pre-flight inspection must be conducted. Fuel must be checked and before departure flight clearance is a must.
5) Crewmember and cabin safety procedures:
This includes:
· Planned itinerary and Estimated Time Enroute (ETE)
· Requested altitudes
· Enroute and destination weather, including anticipated turbulence
· Alternative plans if destination weather is marginal
· Time and distance to research area
· Stowage of Hand Luggage and Galley Equipment
· Firearms
· Crewmember Safety Briefing
· Crewmember Information Card
Shruti Kaondal MBA
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