Commercial Pilot Program

The   Commercial Pilot Program is designed to produce top notch aviation professionals. This program helps students be future-ready for a career in aviation.The holder of a commercial pilot license has unlimited access to flying opportunities and industry-standard emoluments to boot.
To realize his/her dream of flying ,a student will have to meet the criteria set by the respected CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY, as license requirements vary with each country.

Ø    210 hrs PPL,CPL, IR, ME                                                        Duration- 11 Months

Cessna 152
Cessna 172
 PA 34-200
Elite PI-135
Flight Simulator
Total Flyings
143 Hours
35 Hours
12 Hours
10 Hours
10 Hours
210 Hours

Basic Attitude Instrument Flying           - 5 Hours
Basic IFR Procedures Training Flying   - 10 Hours
Advance IFR Procedures Flying             - 5 Hours

·         Theory of Flight  
·         Advance Aircraft Instruments
·         Advance Aircarft Powerplant
·         Civil Air Regulations
·         Air Traffic Control and Communications   
·         Advance Aircraft Performance
·         Advance Weight and Balance           
·         Advance Meteorology
·         Aviation Physiology                                
·         Advance Radio Navigation
·         Advance Air Navigation                         
·         Advance Flight Planning      
·         Special Study Permit
·         Visa Extensions
·         Bureau Of Intelligence Clearance
·         National Intelligence and Coordinating Agency Clearance (NICA)
·         National Bureau of Investigation Clearance
·         CAAP Airman Medicals
·         CAAP Exam Fees
·         CAAP License Fees
·         Pilot Uniform-2 Sets
·         Royhle T-Shirt -3

·         Shared Lodging fully Air-Conditioned,
·         Lounge,Wi-Fi, Cable-TV, other recreations
·         Home Cooked Meals( 3 times a day)with Snacks and Drinks,
·         Laundry service
·         Transportation(Accommodation-class-Airport).

Ø THE PRICE --------59,400 US Dollars
Ø  PILOT KIT-800 US Dollars (not included in the package)
·         Plotter,E6B,Cx2(flight computer),Knee Board, Log book, Pilot Bag, Map
·         Jeppesen Private Pilot Book
·         Jeppesen Commercial and Instrument Book
·         Pilot Operating Hand Book for C152,C172 and PA 34-200
·         Check List for C152,C172 and PA 34-300
Fees Can be paid in FOUR INSTALLMENTS
  First Installment : Upon Admission(Joining)                      -------  20,000 US Dollars
  Second installment: Upon Completing 40 Hours of flying   ------   20,000 US Dollars
  Third installment: Upon Completing 80 Hours of flying    ------  13,000 US Dollars
  Fourth installment:Upon Completing 120 Hours of flying  ------     6,400 US Dollars
Ø  Please note the students have to bear the  flight ticket/Stay charges (to and fro manila),for Additional Ratings, CPL/IR  Examination and AIRMAN MEDICALS in CAAP, MANILA and CAAP CHECK RIDE FEES.

*Note - - -Fees are inclusive of 12% VAT

Contact :

Capt Shekhar Gupta
CEO / Co-Founder
AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
WhatsApp : +91 9826008899 


1. Read this Student's Course Information Manual and other associated documentation carefully.  If you have any question, ask the to AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd International Aviation Academy’s admission officer or the local office. 

2. When you are satisfied and have decided to enroll, fill out the to AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd International Aviation Academy Overseas Student Enrollment  Form, with as many detail as possible. Send this forms and form and then send the original with a Demand Draft of  Rs.10,000/- to AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd  Indore  452 005 India.  Foreign Students  [ Non Indians ]  make an International Demand Draft of US$ 250.          

 3 .Deliver the completed Overseas Student Application Form for enrolment to AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd or their local Office. If we do not have a local Office in your country, send it directly to AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd  Indore  452 005 India.   

4 .AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd International Aviation Academy will acknowledge your application promptly and will immediately indicate if your application is accepted. Also we shall send you a call letter for Admission Test & Interview.   

5.Once you have been accepted, to AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment form based on the Course indicated and starting date indicated.  

6. AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd will complete the contract of Enrolment for the course for you to sign and send back.   

7. Once you have finished pre flight training, AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd  or your local Office will then    assist you with the formalities   required to obtain your visa and make arrangements for you to start the Course.  If there is not a local Office in your country, you must attend the Australian / USA / Sri Lanka Embassy / Consulate to make arrangements for your visa.  AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd  do not take any guarantee for VISA. VISA is subject to all documents.  

8. Please pay all fees by DD or local cheques only. AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd will not accept cash.

For the set of Enrolment form & Brochure please send a D. D.  of Rs. 10,000/- in favour of “AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd." INDORE "to the following address.

GooglePay / PayTm
Axis Bank Ltd  AC         :  AirCrews  Aviation  Pvt  Ltd

AC NO  :  918020037237714
IFSC     :  UTIB0001681
PAN      :  AAQCA9267L

Payments : 
Join  Google Pay, a payments app by Google. Enter our Code ( 59wc92 )  and then make a payment. We'll each get ₹51!
Click here

Enter   Code  59wc92

Pilot's Career GuideStep by Step Learn How to Become an International Airline Pilot


  1. Hello aviators,am interested to become a pilot,but due to financial constraints am yet to make it.any advice for me?

  2. To fly as a commercial airline pilot, you will need 1500 hours of experience, which can be earned in two years. ATP's accelerated commercial pilot training programs provide a structured timeline and shorten the time it takes to gain experience and meet qualifications.
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